
What is the definition of Posição Anatômica? Posição Anatômica is when the individual is in an erect position (standing, orthostatic position or bi...

What is the definition of Posição Anatômica?
Posição Anatômica is when the individual is in an erect position (standing, orthostatic position or bipedal), with the face facing forward, the gaze directed towards the horizon, the upper limbs extended, applied to the trunk and with the palms of the hands facing forward, and the lower limbs united, with the tips of the feet directed forward.
Posição Anatômica is when the individual is in a supine position (lying on the back), with the face facing upward, the gaze directed towards the ceiling, the upper limbs extended, applied to the trunk and with the palms of the hands facing upward, and the lower limbs united, with the tips of the feet directed upward.
Posição Anatômica is when the individual is in a prone position (lying on the stomach), with the face facing downward, the gaze directed towards the ground, the upper limbs extended, applied to the trunk and with the palms of the hands facing downward, and the lower limbs united, with the tips of the feet directed downward.

a) Only I is correct.
b) Only II is correct.
c) Only III is correct.
d) I and II are correct.
e) I and III are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

anatomia 1
13 pág.

Livros Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Paulista

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A definição de Posição Anatômica é quando o indivíduo está em posição ereta (em pé, posição ortostática ou bípede), com o rosto voltado para frente, o olhar direcionado para o horizonte, os membros superiores estendidos, aplicados ao tronco e com as palmas das mãos voltadas para frente, e os membros inferiores unidos, com as pontas dos pés direcionadas para frente. A alternativa correta é a letra "a) Only I is correct."


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