
What are the two main lines of action proposed by neoliberalism to address the crisis, in addition to activation policies for the labor market? A...

What are the two main lines of action proposed by neoliberalism to address the crisis, in addition to activation policies for the labor market?

A. Reduction of salaries and benefits paid; increase in private production of social services
B. Reduction of the welfare state and increase in private investment in the health and education sector
C. Mercantilization of the largest number of welfare goods and services to be consumed by society; reorganization of social policy with a view to promoting the lowering of the so-called social wage.
D. Sharing the costs of the crisis between society and the state; establishment of free market competition
E. Strengthening of the financial sector and increase in social investment by the state

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Português EM Isabel CafeEM Isabel Cafe


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A resposta correta é a alternativa B: "Reduction of the welfare state and increase in private investment in the health and education sector" (Redução do Estado de bem-estar social e aumento do investimento privado nos setores de saúde e educação). O neoliberalismo propõe a redução do papel do Estado na economia e o aumento da participação do setor privado, incluindo a redução do Estado de bem-estar social e o aumento do investimento privado em setores como saúde e educação. Além disso, as políticas neoliberais também incluem a desregulamentação e a liberalização do mercado, bem como a redução dos impostos e das barreiras comerciais.



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