
One of the main advantages of the alternative approach to calculating the financial cycle (CF*) is that it allows for an accurate estimate of the v...

One of the main advantages of the alternative approach to calculating the financial cycle (CF*) is that it allows for an accurate estimate of the volume of NCG as a proportion of net revenues. In this sense, suppose that TGB has a CF* of 45 days and that in the year (20X1) it has presented net revenues of $1300. Assuming that the expectation of growth in net revenues for the next year (20X2) is 60%, the expected increase in NCG (variation in NCG) would be:

The formula to calculate NCG is NCG = NCG - (CF*/360) x Net revenue (annual).
The calculation of NCG for 20X1 is 162.50.
The calculation of NCG for 20X2 is 260.
The expected increase in NCG (variation in NCG) is 97.50.

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A alternativa correta é: $97.50. Explicação: - A fórmula para calcular a variação em NCG é: Variação em NCG = NCG (20X2) - NCG (20X1). - Sabemos que NCG (20X1) é igual a 162,50, conforme informado na descrição da pergunta. - Para calcular NCG (20X2), precisamos usar a fórmula fornecida: NCG = NCG - (CF*/360) x Net revenue (anual). - Substituindo os valores, temos: NCG (20X2) = 162,50 - (45/360) x 1300 x 1,6 = 422,50. - Agora podemos calcular a variação em NCG: Variação em NCG = 422,50 - 162,50 = 260,00. - Portanto, a alternativa correta é $97.50.


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