
According to Text II, in the last ten years, China’s GDP annual growth has been of: I- China's GDP annual growth has been 1% in the last ten years...

According to Text II, in the last ten years, China’s GDP annual growth has been of:

I- China's GDP annual growth has been 1% in the last ten years.
II- China's GDP annual growth has been 5% in the last ten years.
III- China's GDP annual growth has been 10% in the last ten years.
IV- China's GDP annual growth has been 13% in the last ten years.
V- China's GDP annual growth has been 173% in the last ten years.
A) 1%
B) 5%
C) 10%
D) 13%
E) 173%

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De acordo com o Texto II, nos últimos dez anos, o crescimento anual do PIB da China foi de 10%. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra C.



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