
Leprosy is an infectious and transmissible disease of chronic evolution. It is known to be one of the oldest diseases in the world. Thanks to the d...

Leprosy is an infectious and transmissible disease of chronic evolution. It is known to be one of the oldest diseases in the world. Thanks to the development of science, it now has treatment and cure. Mark the INCOHERENT alternative.

a) The main source of infection is humans.
b) Contagion is direct, through the coexistence of the susceptible individual with the sick person.
c) The etiological agent is the Koch bacillus.
d) In endemic regions, the possibility of infection is high.
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

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A alternativa incoerente é a letra "a", pois a principal fonte de infecção da hanseníase não é o ser humano, mas sim o armadilho, que é um animal silvestre que pode transmitir a doença para humanos e outros animais.



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