
Indicate the best experimental methodology to evaluate the impact of an atmospheric pollutant on a particular disease. A. Conduct a survey of the n...

Indicate the best experimental methodology to evaluate the impact of an atmospheric pollutant on a particular disease.
A. Conduct a survey of the number of patients with a particular disease, check their lifestyle, and whether they have been in contact with the pollutant. Conduct a survey of people with the same disease who have not been in contact with the pollutant and compare the two cases, checking whether exposure to the pollutant contributes to a higher risk of the disease.
B. Study using laboratory animals exposed to a particular pollutant and check if this animal develops a disease similarly to humans.
C. Conduct a survey of the number of patients with a particular disease, check their lifestyle, and whether they have been in contact with the pollutant. Conduct a survey of people with the same disease who have not been in contact with the pollutant and compare the two cases, checking whether exposure to the pollutant contributes to a higher risk of the disease.
D. Perform periodic exams on patients with a particular disease to check if there is a change in a particular pollutant during the disease period. Thus, if there are changes in these levels, it is possible to infer the participation of this pollutant in the early stages of disease development.
E. Select a group of volunteers who will be exposed to a certain concentration of pollutants for controlled periods. Select another group that is not exposed to the pollutant and check if the first group shows signs of the disease. In this case, all medical treatment of the exposed individuals should also be performed.
F. Select a group of people with the initial stages of the disease and create conditions for a smaller group to no longer be exposed to the pollutant. Thus, if this group that will no longer be exposed does not develop the disease, it can be stated that exposure to the tested pollutant is indeed responsible for the disease.

a. A and B are correct.
b. A and C are correct.
c. B and D are correct.
d. C and E are correct.
e. D and F are correct.

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Estudos Disciplinares VI Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Paulista


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A melhor metodologia experimental para avaliar o impacto de um poluente atmosférico em uma doença específica é a letra B: Estudo usando animais de laboratório expostos a um poluente específico e verificar se esse animal desenvolve uma doença de forma semelhante aos humanos. Embora outras opções possam ser úteis em diferentes contextos, o uso de animais de laboratório é uma das formas mais eficazes de avaliar o impacto de um poluente em uma doença específica, pois permite um controle mais preciso das variáveis e a possibilidade de manipulação experimental.


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