
Identify the incorrect statements about journalistic-mediatic textual genres: a) The interview is a dialogue between the journalist and one or more...

Identify the incorrect statements about journalistic-mediatic textual genres:
a) The interview is a dialogue between the journalist and one or more people involved in an event or with knowledge about a subject. It can be carried out to obtain information, opinions, analyses, and diverse perspectives.
b) The chronicle is an opinion text written by specialists, columnists, or people with experience in a certain area. They offer analyses, reflections, and opinions on various themes and can be informative, critical, or persuasive.
c) The article is an opinion text written by specialists, columnists, or people with experience in a certain area. They offer analyses, reflections, and opinions on various themes and can be informative, critical, or persuasive.
d) The article is a textual genre that blends facts of everyday life with personal reflections and observations of the author. It has a more informal and subjective tone, seeking to connect with readers in a closer way.
e) The chronicle is a textual genre that blends facts of everyday life with personal reflections and observations of the author. It has a more informal and subjective tone, seeking to connect with readers in a closer way.
f) The textual genres of the journalistic-mediatic field are varieties of texts used in the communication of news, information, and opinions through the means of communication, such as newspapers, magazines, news sites, radio and television programs. They have specific structures and characteristics that differentiate them and meet the diverse information and entertainment needs of the public.
a) a and b are correct.
b) b and c are correct.
c) c and d are correct.
d) d and e are correct.
e) b and e are correct.
f) c, e, and f are correct.

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10 pág.

Português Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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Alternativa C é incorreta, pois o artigo não é um texto de opinião, mas sim um texto que apresenta informações e fatos sobre um determinado assunto. As outras alternativas estão corretas: a) Verdadeiro b) Verdadeiro c) Falso d) Verdadeiro e) Verdadeiro f) Verdadeiro



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