
What is the purpose of the risk hierarchy? The hierarchy of risks consists of determining the risk levels regarding their consequences and probab...

What is the purpose of the risk hierarchy?

The hierarchy of risks consists of determining the risk levels regarding their consequences and probability of occurrence, making it possible to determine whether the risk and its magnitude are acceptable or tolerable.
The hierarchy of risks consists of determining the risk levels regarding their consequences and probability of occurrence, making it possible to determine whether the risk and its magnitude are acceptable or tolerable.
The hierarchy of risks consists of determining the risk levels regarding their consequences and probability of occurrence, making it possible to determine whether the risk and its magnitude are acceptable or tolerable.
The hierarchy of risks consists of determining the risk levels regarding their consequences and probability of occurrence, making it possible to determine whether the risk and its magnitude are acceptable or tolerable.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Aula Unidade 1 - Vigilância
54 pág.

Anatomia Humana I Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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O objetivo da hierarquia de riscos é determinar os níveis de risco em relação às suas consequências e probabilidade de ocorrência, tornando possível determinar se o risco e sua magnitude são aceitáveis ou toleráveis. A hierarquia de riscos é uma ferramenta importante para a gestão de riscos em diversos setores, incluindo a indústria, a saúde e a segurança pública.



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