
Identify the correct category for each statement: Statements of certainty Statements of doubt Statements of assumption I - What you already know ab...

Identify the correct category for each statement:
Statements of certainty
Statements of doubt
Statements of assumption
I - What you already know about the market, product, or consumer.
II - What you believe to be true but still needs to be confirmed.
III - Questions or uncertainties that need to be answered.
a) I - Statement of certainty; II - Statement of assumption; III - Statement of doubt.
b) I - Statement of certainty; II - Statement of doubt; III - Statement of assumption.
c) I - Statement of assumption; II - Statement of certainty; III - Statement of doubt.

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1697574626_Download - Matriz CSD
1 pág.

Direito Penal I Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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A alternativa correta é a letra B: I - Statement of certainty; II - Statement of doubt; III - Statement of assumption.



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