
What is the correct nomenclature of ketones? According to IUPAC, the nomenclature of ketones is given by the ending -ona. The main chain is the lo...

What is the correct nomenclature of ketones?

According to IUPAC, the nomenclature of ketones is given by the ending -ona.
The main chain is the longest that includes the carbonyl group, and numbering is done starting from this group.
a) Only the first statement is correct.
b) Only the second statement is correct.
c) Both statements are correct.
d) Both statements are incorrect.

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A alternativa correta é a letra C) Ambas as afirmações estão corretas. De acordo com a IUPAC, a nomenclatura de cetonas é dada pelo sufixo -ona. A cadeia principal é a mais longa que inclui o grupo carbonila, e a numeração é feita a partir deste grupo.



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