
Complete the following statement about the process of globalization: 'The process of globalization, understood as a new and complex moment of relat...

Complete the following statement about the process of globalization: 'The process of globalization, understood as a new and complex moment of relations between _________ and peoples, has resulted in the concentration of ___________, benefiting only one-third of humanity, to the detriment, especially, of the inhabitants of ____________, where inequality and social ____________ are deepening, compromising distributive justice and peace.'

A) nations, exports, northeast, exclusion
B) nations, wealth, south, exclusion
C) nations, nature, north, exclusion
D) state, nature, southeast, inclusion
E) state, mining, north, inclusion

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A alternativa correta é a letra B) "nações, riqueza, sul, exclusão". A frase completa fica: "O processo de globalização, entendido como um momento novo e complexo de relações entre nações e povos, resultou na concentração de riqueza, beneficiando apenas um terço da humanidade, em detrimento, sobretudo, dos habitantes do sul, onde a desigualdade e a exclusão social se aprofundam, comprometendo a justiça distributiva e a paz."


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