
22. “I honestly think it is Brazil's turn...”, the pronoun IT is a) the direct object of the subordinate clause. b) the subject of the subordinate...

22. “I honestly think it is Brazil's turn...”, the pronoun IT is

a) the direct object of the subordinate clause.
b) the subject of the subordinate clause.
c) the possessive adjective.
d) the indirect object of the subordinate clause.
e) a preposition.

a) the direct object of the subordinate clause.
b) the subject of the subordinate clause.
c) the possessive adjective.
d) the indirect object of the subordinate clause.
e) a preposition.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Prova III -INGLES_Lingua Portuguesa_3
12 pág.

Concursos Faculdade MultivixFaculdade Multivix


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A resposta correta é a letra B) o sujeito da oração subordinada. O pronome "it" está sendo usado como sujeito da oração subordinada "it is Brazil's turn".



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