
Identify the correct difference between Agostinho and Plato's philosophical views: a. For Agostinho, it is possible for humans to obtain true know...

Identify the correct difference between Agostinho and Plato's philosophical views:

a. For Agostinho, it is possible for humans to obtain true knowledge, while for Plato, the truth about the world is inaccessible to humans.
b. For Plato, the true reality is found in the world of Ideas, while for Agostinho, there is no reality beyond the natural world in which we live.
c. For Agostinho, the soul is immortal, while for Plato, the soul is not immortal, since it is only the form of the body.
d. For Plato, knowledge is actually reminiscence, the soul recognizes the Ideas that it contemplated before being born; Agostinho says that knowledge is the result of divine Illumination, the spark of God that exists in each one.

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A diferença correta entre as visões filosóficas de Agostinho e Platão é a seguinte: d. Para Platão, o conhecimento é na verdade reminiscência, a alma reconhece as Ideias que contemplou antes de nascer; Agostinho diz que o conhecimento é o resultado da Iluminação divina, a centelha de Deus que existe em cada um.


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