
The word in boldface, as used in the text, and the word in brackets are synonymous in (A) “as airlines seek to break away…” (lines 3-4) – [try]. (B...

The word in boldface, as used in the text, and the word in
brackets are synonymous in
(A) “as airlines seek to break away…” (lines 3-4) – [try].
(B) “...brought about concern among enviro

A) “as airlines seek to break away…” (lines 3-4) – [try].
B) “...brought about concern among environmentalists…” (line 6) – [brought].
C) “...the aviation industry is experimenting with biofuels…” (line 7) – [testing].
D) “...the European Union has condemned the use of agrofuels by airlines…” (lines 9-10) – [disapproved].
E) “...the airlines are being forced to limit their carbon dioxide emissions…” (lines 27-28) – [reduce].

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A palavra em negrito, como usada no texto, e a palavra entre colchetes são sinônimas em: (A) "as airlines seek to break away..." (linhas 3-4) - [tentar]. (B) "... brought about concern among environmentalists ..." (linha 6) - [causou]. (C) "... the aviation industry is experimenting with biofuels ..." (linha 7) - [testando]. (D) "... the European Union has condemned the use of agrofuels by airlines ..." (linhas 9-10) - [desaprovado]. (E) "... the airlines are being forced to limit their carbon dioxide emissions ..." (linhas 27-28) - [reduzir].


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