
Identify the incorrect statement about formatting a work's title, author's name, and text. A. The title should be in uppercase, Arial 14 font, bol...

Identify the incorrect statement about formatting a work's title, author's name, and text.

A. The title should be in uppercase, Arial 14 font, bold, centered, black, and without a period at the end.
B. The author's name should be in Arial 11 font, black, without bold or italic, and right-aligned.
C. The text should be in Arial 12 font, without bold or italic, justified alignment, and black.
D. There should be no spacing between lines or paragraphs, and the text should be saved in .DOC or .DOCX format.
E. The references should be included in the text, with proper citation.
A. The title should be in uppercase, Arial 14 font, bold, centered, black, and without a period at the end.
B. The author's name should be in Arial 11 font, black, without bold or italic, and right-aligned.
C. The text should be in Arial 12 font, without bold or italic, justified alignment, and black.
D. There should be no spacing between lines or paragraphs, and the text should be saved in .DOC or .DOCX format.
E. The references should be included in the text, with proper citation.

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Mecânica dos Sólidos I Centro Universitário Faculdade Maurício de NassauCentro Universitário Faculdade Maurício de Nassau

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A opção A está incorreta. O título deve ser escrito em letras maiúsculas, mas não necessariamente em Arial 14 fonte, negrito, centralizado e sem um ponto final no final. A formatação do título pode variar de acordo com o estilo de formatação exigido pelo trabalho acadêmico ou pela instituição.


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