
What were the important milestones in the assistance legislation? I - In 1936, the first School of Social Service was created. II - In 1938, the N...

What were the important milestones in the assistance legislation?

I - In 1936, the first School of Social Service was created.
II - In 1938, the National Council of Social Service (CNSS) was created.
III - In 1942, the LBA (Brazilian Assistance League) was created, which was the first public entity to provide assistance, but assistance was not yet a public policy, much less a social right.
IV - In 1964, during the military dictatorship, the LBA was linked to the Ministry of Social Security and Assistance.
V - In 1965, FUNABEM (National Foundation for the Well-Being of Minors) was created.
VI - In 1966, CEME (Central of Medicines) was created.
a) Only I, II, and III are correct.
b) Only IV, V, and VI are correct.
c) Only I, II, IV, and V are correct.
d) Only II, III, and VI are correct.
e) All statements are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Barbara - Estudo P1 final
3 pág.

Serviço Social Universidade Federal FluminenseUniversidade Federal Fluminense


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The correct alternative is "c) Only I, II, IV, and V are correct." Explanation: I - In 1936, the first School of Social Service was created. II - In 1938, the National Council of Social Service (CNSS) was created. III - In 1942, the LBA (Brazilian Assistance League) was created, which was the first public entity to provide assistance, but assistance was not yet a public policy, much less a social right. IV - In 1964, during the military dictatorship, the LBA was linked to the Ministry of Social Security and Assistance. V - In 1965, FUNABEM (National Foundation for the Well-Being of Minors) was created. VI - In 1966, CEME (Central of Medicines) was created. Alternatives II, III, and VI are incorrect.


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