
Identify the correct alternative according to the text: Portugal was highlighted in the naval technology during the 15th century. The mercantilism ...

Identify the correct alternative according to the text:
Portugal was highlighted in the naval technology during the 15th century.
The mercantilism system is based on the accumulation of precious metals and the exploitation of raw materials.
Ludwig Feuerbach was the philosopher who defended the concept of humanistic atheism.

A. Only the first statement is correct.
B. Only the second statement is correct.
C. Only the third statement is correct.
D. The first and second statements are correct.
E. The second and third statements are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

10-II-Origens dos Capitalismo
4 pág.

Geografia Escola PaulistaEscola Paulista


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A alternativa correta é a letra D. Apenas a primeira e a segunda afirmações estão corretas.



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