
What is the primary feature of the American patent system? a. All applications are subject to an examination for conformity with the laws and for...

What is the primary feature of the American patent system?

a. All applications are subject to an examination for conformity with the laws and for novelty.
b. Patents are granted by the grace of the Crown and are subject to any restrictions that the government cares to impose.
c. The system established significant barriers in the form of prohibitively high costs that limited access to property rights in invention to a privileged few.
d. The validity of patents is left up to the district courts, which have the power to set in motion a process that could end in the repeal of the patent.

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A resposta correta é a alternativa A: Todas as aplicações estão sujeitas a um exame de conformidade com as leis e para novidade. O sistema de patentes americano exige que todas as solicitações de patentes sejam examinadas para garantir que atendam aos requisitos legais e que sejam novas e não óbvias.



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