
What is the percentage of women who present chronic pelvic pain (CPP)? I - 1 in 7 women present CPP. II - CPP generates expenses of 900 million pe...

What is the percentage of women who present chronic pelvic pain (CPP)?

I - 1 in 7 women present CPP.
II - CPP generates expenses of 900 million per year.
III - 50% of women with CPP miss work.
a) Only I is correct.
b) I and II are correct.
c) I, II, and III are correct.
d) Only II and III are correct.

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21 pág.

Biofísica Universidade da AmazôniaUniversidade da Amazônia

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The correct alternative is "b) I and II are correct." Explanation: The statement I says that 1 in 7 women present CPP, which corresponds to approximately 14.3% of women. The statement II says that CPP generates expenses of 900 million per year, but it does not provide information about the percentage of women with CPP. The statement III says that 50% of women with CPP miss work, but it is not enough to determine the percentage of women with CPP.


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