
Identify the text's target audience and field of activity based on the following statement: 'Offshore companies that perform cargo handling and per...

Identify the text's target audience and field of activity based on the following statement: 'Offshore companies that perform cargo handling and personnel transportation while preserving the environment and worker's health.'

Field of activity: Environmental preservation. Target audience: Workers in the offshore industry.
Field of activity: Cargo handling and personnel transportation. Target audience: Companies in the offshore industry.
Field of activity: Personnel transportation. Target audience: Companies in the offshore industry.
Field of activity: Cargo handling. Target audience: Companies in the offshore industry.

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18 pág.

Segurança do Trabalho Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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O público-alvo do texto são as empresas da indústria offshore, que realizam o manuseio de cargas e transporte de pessoal. O campo de atividade é o manuseio de cargas e transporte de pessoal, com foco na preservação ambiental e na saúde dos trabalhadores. Portanto, a alternativa correta é: Field of activity: Cargo handling and personnel transportation. Target audience: Companies in the offshore industry.


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