
Look at the underlined words. What do the sentences inform us about this person? Read the following statements. Check (x) the option with the corre...

Look at the underlined words. What do the sentences inform us about this person? Read the following statements. Check (x) the option with the correct answer: A (1) informs us about actions the person did in the past. (2) informs us about the person’s routine. B (1) informs us about the person’s previous experiences. (2) informs us about the person’s likes and dislikes. C (1) informs about what the person is doing now. (2) informs us about the person’s routine. D (1) informs that person is accustomed to study for long hours. (2) informs what the person did in the past, but she doesn’t do now. E (1) informs what the person did in the past, but she doesn’t do now. (2) informs us about what the person is doing now.


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