
Opinion makers are important for __________ because they deliver, through the practice of endorsement, information about products, provide recommen...

Opinion makers are important for __________ because they deliver, through the practice of endorsement, information about products, provide recommendations and comments considered more realistic, as well as provide additional professional knowledge, which help companies to promote products or services.

a) The media.
b) The government.
c) The consumers.
d) The marketing.

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Faculeste | Pos em Influencia Digital - Links Patrocinados | Avaliacao Final
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Marketing Centro Universitário Ritter dos ReisCentro Universitário Ritter dos Reis


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Opinion makers are important for marketing because they deliver, through the practice of endorsement, information about products, provide recommendations and comments considered more realistic, as well as provide additional professional knowledge, which help companies to promote products or services. Therefore, the correct alternative is d) The marketing.



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