
What is the correct answer regarding the deadline for the consumer to exercise the right of repentance? a. Forty-eight hours after signing the co...

What is the correct answer regarding the deadline for the consumer to exercise the right of repentance?

a. Forty-eight hours after signing the contract.
b. From the date of receipt of the product or service.
c. Twenty-four hours after receiving the product.
d. From the date of signing the contract or receipt of the product or service.
e. From the date of signing the contract.

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A resposta correta é a letra "d". O prazo para o consumidor exercer o direito de arrependimento começa a contar a partir da data de assinatura do contrato ou do recebimento do produto ou serviço, conforme previsto no artigo 49 do Código de Defesa do Consumidor.


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