
What are the contents covered in the first block of the 3rd edition of the Caderno do Futuro collection for the subject of Science in the 3rd year ...

What are the contents covered in the first block of the 3rd edition of the Caderno do Futuro collection for the subject of Science in the 3rd year of Elementary School?

I - The Universe
II - The phases of the Moon
III - The movements of the Earth
a) Only I is correct.
b) I and II are correct.
c) I, II, and III are correct.

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A resposta correta é a alternativa "c) I, II e III estão corretas". O primeiro bloco da 3ª edição do Caderno do Futuro para a disciplina de Ciências no 3º ano do Ensino Fundamental aborda os seguintes conteúdos: I - O Universo, II - As fases da Lua e III - Os movimentos da Terra.


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