
The text from unit 5 talks about how scientists created the purest water droplet in the world. By default, we know that many scientific creations o...

The text from unit 5 talks about how scientists created the purest water droplet in the world. By default, we know that many scientific creations originate from human curiosity. In the case of the super clean water droplet, which sentence (excerpt) from the text demonstrates what motivated the researchers to discover the so-called 'divine droplet'?

a. “When TiO2 surfaces are exposed to ultraviolet light, they react in ways that 'eat up' any organic compounds on them...”
b. “...become covered with a mysterious layer of molecules when they come into contact with air and water.”
c. “To get as close to perfectly pure as possible...”
d. “The researchers then released a thin, purified sample of water vapor from an adjacent chamber into the vacum...”
e. “Researchers at the Vienna University of Technology announced yesterday (Aug. 23) that they have created the cleanest drop of water in the world.”

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Inglês Instrumental 2
4 pág.

Inglês Faculdade AnhangueraFaculdade Anhanguera


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A alternativa que demonstra o que motivou os pesquisadores a descobrir a "gota divina" é a letra "c": "Para chegar o mais próximo possível da perfeição pura...". A partir dessa frase, podemos entender que a motivação dos pesquisadores era alcançar a pureza máxima da água, o que os levou a criar a gota mais pura do mundo.


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