
Answer the questions based on the text below: The denunciation must present as much information as possible about the fact and may include documen...

Answer the questions based on the text below:

The denunciation must present as much information as possible about the fact and may include documents, images, or recordings that can prove it.
The denunciation must be made in writing, deal with an objective fact, in a detailed way, and include all available information about the public agents involved.
The conduct of public servants can be investigated by the CGU and the agencies' ombudsmen.
It is necessary to verify if the conduct reported as irregular is associated with the exercise of the public office.
The citizen's contact channel is the Ombudsman. However, the Federal Government created the e-OUV, a unique portal on the internet that distributes citizens' demands to the agencies' Ombudsmen.
The disciplinary proceedings that investigate the conduct of public servants and employees are registered in the CGU-PJ. The processes of accountability of legal entities, which investigate acts committed by private entities against the Administration, are registered in the CGU-PAD.
The CGU maintains three sanction registers on the Federal Government's Transparency Portal: the National Register of Ineligible and Suspended Companies (CEIS), the National Register of Punished Companies (CNEP), and the Register of Expulsions from the Federal Administration (CEAF).
In the Federal Executive Branch, sanctions against suppliers are registered by agencies and entities in the CGU-PJ, and the system automatically feeds CEIS and CNEP. For States, Municipalities, and other powers, the CGU provides SIRCAD, an online system for integrated registration in the registers.
The correcional processes deal with many personal information and confidential data, which is why it is not possible for the agencies' ombudsmen to act transparently and be accountable for their activities to society.
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Essa pergunta também está no material:

Atividade Correcional_ Visão Geral_PROVA 3
2 pág.

Direito Constitucional I Humanas / SociaisHumanas / Sociais


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