
Considering the amino acid glycine, which of the following values represents the pH at which the molecule has a net charge of zero? a) pH 1 b) pH 3...

Considering the amino acid glycine, which of the following values represents the pH at which the molecule has a net charge of zero?
a) pH 1
b) pH 3
c) isoelectric point
d) pKa2
e) pH 11
The question is related to the amino acid glycine and its properties.
The options present different values related to the pH of the molecule.
The correct answer is the one that represents the pH at which the molecule has a net charge of zero.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Manual de Laboratório de BioQuímica 17 18
28 pág.

Biologia e Bioquímica Escola Tecn Enfermagem Da Fundacao Centro Medico CampinasEscola Tecn Enfermagem Da Fundacao Centro Medico Campinas


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O ponto isoelétrico (pI) da glicina é de aproximadamente 6,0. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra "c) ponto isoelétrico".



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