
Analysing the main characteristics related to strategic thinking, we have the following statements. Evaluate the statements and indicate which alte...

Analysing the main characteristics related to strategic thinking, we have the following statements. Evaluate the statements and indicate which alternative is correct.
I - In the 1950s, strategic management meant taking care of the budget, financial control, and management by objectives prevailed.
II - In the 1990s, strategic management was directed by systemic thinking and began to integrate planning with control, and the movement was called strategic direction.
III - In the 1980s, strategic management focused on the analysis of internal resources and competencies for the organization to face competition.
IV - In the 1960s, strategic management focused on evaluating the present and through financial control, the company would be prepared for the future.
V - In the 1990s, strategic management was focused on the future, meaning projecting for the future, based on the company's present.
Which statement(s) is(are) correct?
A) III and IV.
B) I and III.
C) II and IV.
D) I and II.
E) II, III and IV.

I - In the 1950s, strategic management meant taking care of the budget, financial control, and management by objectives prevailed.
II - In the 1990s, strategic management was directed by systemic thinking and began to integrate planning with control, and the movement was called strategic direction.
III - In the 1980s, strategic management focused on the analysis of internal resources and competencies for the organization to face competition.
IV - In the 1960s, strategic management focused on evaluating the present and through financial control, the company would be prepared for the future.
V - In the 1990s, strategic management was focused on the future, meaning projecting for the future, based on the company's present.
A) III and IV.
B) I and III.
C) II and IV.
D) I and II.
E) II, III and IV.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Livro Texto   Unidade 2 Planejamento Estratégico de Ti
34 pág.

Planejamento Estratégico de Ti Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Paulista

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A alternativa correta é a letra B) I e III. A afirmação I está correta, pois na década de 1950, o gerenciamento estratégico era focado no controle financeiro e no gerenciamento por objetivos. A afirmação II está incorreta, pois o pensamento sistêmico começou a ser aplicado no gerenciamento estratégico na década de 1970, e não na década de 1990. A afirmação III está correta, pois na década de 1980, o gerenciamento estratégico se concentrou na análise dos recursos internos e competências da organização para enfrentar a concorrência. A afirmação IV está incorreta, pois na década de 1960, o gerenciamento estratégico se concentrou na avaliação do presente e não no controle financeiro. A afirmação V está incorreta, pois a projeção para o futuro começou a ser aplicada no gerenciamento estratégico na década de 1970, e não na década de 1990.


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