
What is the conclusion of the research presented in the text? a) There are enormous possibilities for growth of cabotage services in Brazil, but th...

What is the conclusion of the research presented in the text?
a) There are enormous possibilities for growth of cabotage services in Brazil, but there are also strong factors that hinder the achievement of these potentialities.
b) The economic situation of Brazil in the colonial period was favorable to the growth of cabotage services.
c) The literary works of the colonial period in Brazil had a significant impact on the development of the country's culture.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

TD 1129   Perspectivas do Crescimento do Transporte por Cabotagem no Brasil
39 pág.

Economia I Universidade de BrasíliaUniversidade de Brasília


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A conclusão da pesquisa apresentada no texto é a alternativa a) Há enormes possibilidades de crescimento dos serviços de cabotagem no Brasil, mas também existem fortes fatores que dificultam a realização dessas potencialidades.



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