
Who was Osiris and what was his role in the Egyptian mythology? Osiris was the son of Nut and Geb, and he became the king of Egypt as the heir of ...

Who was Osiris and what was his role in the Egyptian mythology?

Osiris was the son of Nut and Geb, and he became the king of Egypt as the heir of his father.
Osiris was a good and sensitive king who cared about the well-being of the wild and uncultured populations of Egypt.
Osiris was murdered by his jealous brother Seth, who dismembered his body and scattered the pieces throughout Egypt.

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Osiris era um deus da mitologia egípcia, considerado o deus da vida após a morte e do renascimento. Ele era o filho de Nut e Geb, e se tornou o rei do Egito como herdeiro de seu pai. Osiris era um rei bom e sensível que se preocupava com o bem-estar das populações selvagens e incultas do Egito. Ele foi assassinado por seu irmão ciumento Seth, que desmembrou seu corpo e espalhou as peças por todo o Egito. A esposa de Osiris, Ísis, juntou as partes do corpo de Osiris e o ressuscitou, tornando-se assim o deus da vida após a morte e do renascimento.


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