
What was the role of Nut in the Egyptian mythology? Nut was the goddess of the sky, married to Geb, the god of the Earth. Nut was punished by Rê w...

What was the role of Nut in the Egyptian mythology?

Nut was the goddess of the sky, married to Geb, the god of the Earth.
Nut was punished by Rê with a spell that prevented her from conceiving children.
Nut secretly conceived five children during the five additional days of the Egyptian calendar, which were added to the year to compensate for the discrepancy with the lunar cycle.

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Na mitologia egípcia, Nut era a deusa do céu e era casada com Geb, o deus da Terra. Ela era responsável por cobrir o mundo com seu corpo, representando o céu estrelado. Nut também era responsável por proteger o sol durante a noite, para que pudesse renascer no dia seguinte. Além disso, ela era considerada a mãe de Osíris, Ísis, Seth, Néftis e Hórus, que foram concebidos secretamente durante os cinco dias adicionais do calendário egípcio.


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