
What is the purpose of indicators in complexometric titrations? To form stable complexes with the metal ion being analyzed. To detect the endpoint...

What is the purpose of indicators in complexometric titrations?

To form stable complexes with the metal ion being analyzed.
To detect the endpoint of the titration by changing color.
To adjust the pH of the solution to a suitable range for the formation of the metal-EDTA complex.
To prevent the formation of unwanted complexes with interfering metal ions.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Fundamentos da Quimica Analitica Quantitativa
196 pág.

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O objetivo dos indicadores em titulações complexométricas é detectar o ponto final da titulação, mudando de cor. A alternativa correta é: "B) Para detectar o ponto final da titulação, mudando de cor."


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