
What are the SI units recommended for use in geotechnics? The table below shows the recommended SI units for mass, force, and weight. The table b...

What are the SI units recommended for use in geotechnics?

The table below shows the recommended SI units for mass, force, and weight.
The table below shows the recommended SI units for length, time, and temperature.
The table below shows the recommended SI units for pressure, volume, and density.

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Para a área de geotecnia, as unidades do Sistema Internacional (SI) recomendadas são: - Massa: quilograma (kg) - Força: newton (N) - Peso: newton (N) - Comprimento: metro (m) - Tempo: segundo (s) - Temperatura: grau Celsius (°C) - Pressão: pascal (Pa) - Volume: metro cúbico (m³) - Densidade: quilograma por metro cúbico (kg/m³)


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