
What was the objective of the study described in the text? a) To identify the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease in the elderly population. b) To ...

What was the objective of the study described in the text?

a) To identify the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease in the elderly population.
b) To evaluate the physical and cognitive decline in the elderly population.
c) To map the neuropsychological profile and identify mild cognitive impairment in a sample of elderly outpatients from a geriatrics clinic.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

abusamra,PredomíniodeComprometimentoCognitivoLeveDisexecutivoemidososatendidosnoambulat_ txt
10 pág.

Medicina Universidad Central de VenezuelaUniversidad Central de Venezuela


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O objetivo do estudo descrito no texto é a alternativa c) Mapear o perfil neuropsicológico e identificar o comprometimento cognitivo leve em uma amostra de pacientes idosos ambulatoriais de uma clínica geriátrica.



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