
Among the following statements about cell differentiation, which one is correct? a) During differentiation, there is no activation or inactivation ...

Among the following statements about cell differentiation, which one is correct?
a) During differentiation, there is no activation or inactivation of genes.
b) The control of gene expression is specific for each cell type and varies from total silencing to subtle differences in transcriptional activity.
c) The activation of genes is mediated by proteins that recognize specific sequences in the DNA and favor the approach of the proteins necessary for transcription, such as RNA polymerase.
d) The importance of extracellular factors is such that there are special microenvironments or niches for the maintenance and differentiation of adult stem cells.
e) Adult stem cells have a greater potential for differentiation than embryonic stem cells.

b) The control of gene expression is specific for each cell type and varies from total silencing to subtle differences in transcriptional activity.

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A alternativa correta é a letra b) O controle da expressão gênica é específico para cada tipo celular e varia desde o silenciamento total até diferenças sutis na atividade transcricional. Durante a diferenciação celular, ocorre a ativação e inativação de genes específicos, o que leva a célula a se especializar em um tipo celular específico. Esse processo é regulado por fatores intrínsecos e extrínsecos, incluindo a interação com o ambiente celular e a presença de moléculas sinalizadoras.


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