
What is parallel projection? X A type of two-dimensional representation. A type of isometric graphic representation. A type of two-dimensional re...

What is parallel projection?

X A type of two-dimensional representation.
A type of isometric graphic representation.
A type of two-dimensional representation where the faces of the object are obliquely (angle other than 90º) cast on the projection plane.
A type of three-dimensional representation where the faces of the object are cast straight (90º angle) on the projection plane.
A type of three-dimensional representation where the faces of the object are obliquely (angle other than 90º) cast on the projection plane.

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A projeção paralela é um tipo de representação bidimensional ou tridimensional em que as faces do objeto são projetadas paralelamente ao plano de projeção, sem levar em conta a perspectiva. Ou seja, as linhas paralelas no objeto permanecem paralelas na projeção. A alternativa correta é "A type of two-dimensional representation."


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