
According to the speeches that legitimize drug control, mark the option that best analyzes the case, according to a critical look at Criminology. T...

According to the speeches that legitimize drug control, mark the option that best analyzes the case, according to a critical look at Criminology. The speech demonstrates a stereotyped view that links the user to a crime financier. The case reinforces the medical discourse, comparing drug trafficking to a disease. All statements are correct. The case demonstrates an absolute reality that legitimizes current criminal policy. It is a sample of moral discourse, which sees drugs as an agent that corrupts the individual's soul.

a) The political-criminal discourse, where drugs are related to other crimes, given that their use may generate the practice of other offenses and fosters illicit trafficking.
b) The moral discourse, which defines drugs as poison to the soul and the user as idle and unproductive.
c) The cultural discourse, where the young user is seen as one who goes against the consensus, who acts contrary to the values of good men.
d) The guarantee discourse, as there is only harm in the conduct of the trafficker.
e) The medical discourse, where the user is considered a patient.

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Criminologia Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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A alternativa correta é a letra E) O discurso médico, onde o usuário é considerado um paciente. A análise crítica da criminologia sobre o controle de drogas aponta que o discurso político-criminal, moral, cultural e de garantia são estereotipados e não refletem a realidade. O discurso médico é o que mais se aproxima da realidade, pois considera o usuário como um paciente que precisa de tratamento, em vez de um criminoso.



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