
Among the factors that led the gauchos to proclaim the Rio-Grandense Republic during the Farroupilha revolution, which of the following is correct?...

Among the factors that led the gauchos to proclaim the Rio-Grandense Republic during the Farroupilha revolution, which of the following is correct?

a) the pressure exerted by foreign powers, who opposed the Brazilian monarchy regime; the high taxes charged by the empire; and the prohibition of cattle smuggling, which was extremely harmful to the gauchos;
b) the customs agreements made by the imperial government with foreign powers, harmful to the national economy; the high taxes charged by the empire; and the permissiveness towards smuggling, which was harmful to Rio Grande do Sul's interests;
c) the execution of liberal laws, contrary to the interests of the people; the lack of public investment in the industrial sector; and the excessive protection of natural soil resources, seeking to preserve the vegetation of the pampa, which harmed the gaucho economy;
d) the pressure exerted by foreign powers against excessive Brazilian free trade; the incentive to outsource leather manufacturing; and the prohibition of smuggling, which harmed gaucho producers in competition with platine producers, due to the increase in their production costs;
e) the execution of liberal laws, contrary to the interests of the people; the favorable agreements to the slave trade, celebrated between Brazil and foreign powers; and the need to raise taxes to favor the development of livestock farming, which harmed the gaucho industrial sector.

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311 pág.

História Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Paulista


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A alternativa correta é a letra A) a pressão exercida por potências estrangeiras, que se opunham ao regime monárquico brasileiro; os altos impostos cobrados pelo império; e a proibição do contrabando de gado, que era extremamente prejudicial aos gaúchos. Esses foram alguns dos fatores que levaram os gaúchos a proclamar a República Rio-Grandense durante a Revolução Farroupilha.



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