
What is the objective of identifying important people for the construction of a life project? Identify people who are important for the constructio...

What is the objective of identifying important people for the construction of a life project?
Identify people who are important for the construction of the life project
Improve the relationship with people who are important for the construction of the life project
The objective is to identify people who can help with the logistics and finances of the project
The objective is to identify people who can provide emotional and psychological support for the project
a) Only the first item is correct
b) Only the second item is correct
c) Both items are correct
d) None of the items are correct

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Importância do Tutor no Projeto de Vida
12 pág.

Técnico de Enfermagem Biológicas / SaúdeBiológicas / Saúde

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O objetivo de identificar pessoas importantes para a construção de um projeto de vida é melhorar o relacionamento com as pessoas que são importantes para o projeto e identificar pessoas que possam fornecer suporte emocional e psicológico para o projeto. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra "b) Apenas o segundo item está correto".


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