
The emergence of new technologies, the acceleration in the production of knowledge and, globalization have required a new role of the teacher. The ...

The emergence of new technologies, the acceleration in the production of knowledge and, globalization have required a new role of the teacher. The teacher as the possessor or transferor of information is changing to the mediator, facilitator of knowledge. According to Hamamorad (2016, p.69) “The teacher can mediate learning in the classroom and help students learn better by interacting with them. He/she can facilitate interactions between students by producing interactive tasks and activities and encouraging students to engage in group and pair work. Additionally, she/he can create an interactive, stress-free environment that motivates learning and promotes participation. ” Analyze the following statements and write T for true statements and F for false:

T - T - T - F.
F - F - T - T.
T - F - T - T.
F - T - F - T.

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Habilidades em Língua Inglesa III - AV 2 - 1 a 5
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A análise das afirmações é a seguinte: T - T - T - F. F - F - T - T. T - F - T - T. F - T - F - T. Portanto, a resposta é: T - T - T - F.


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