
80) What is the Product Owner accountable for in Scrum? A) Describing an Increment at the Sprint Planning and make sure that the Development Team d...

80) What is the Product Owner accountable for in Scrum? A) Describing an Increment at the Sprint Planning and make sure that the Development Team delivers it by the end of the Sprint B) Creating and sustaining a Product Backlog that maximizes value and represents the needs of the stakeholders C) Refining the top level Product Backlog items until they are ready to be handed over to the Development Team D) Writing the User Stories so they are understandable to stakeholders

a) B) Creating and sustaining a Product Backlog that maximizes value and represents the needs of the stakeholders

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Scrum Centro Universitário UNINTERCentro Universitário UNINTER


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A alternativa correta é a letra B) Criar e manter um Product Backlog que maximize o valor e represente as necessidades dos stakeholders. O Product Owner é responsável por gerenciar o Product Backlog, garantindo que ele esteja sempre atualizado e priorizado de acordo com as necessidades dos stakeholders. Além disso, ele é responsável por garantir que o time de desenvolvimento entenda os itens do backlog e que o produto entregue atenda às expectativas dos stakeholders.



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