
In the text, the excerpt that best represents an alternative to something previously expressed is: (A) “As someone with high-functioning autism” (1...

In the text, the excerpt that best represents an alternative to something previously expressed is:
(A) “As someone with high-functioning autism” (1st paragraph).
(B) “a surprise to the family and myself ” (4th paragraph).
(C) “I’ve got a symphony” (2nd paragraph).
(D) “Instead, Michael is determined” (5th paragraph).
(E) “I liked what I was hearing” (3rd paragraph).

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Prova e Gabarito FAMERP 2019
57 pág.

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A alternativa que melhor representa uma alternativa a algo previamente expresso é a letra D) "Instead, Michael is determined" (5º parágrafo). Essa frase apresenta uma alternativa ao que foi dito anteriormente, indicando que Michael não se deixou abater pelas dificuldades e, em vez disso, está determinado a superá-las.



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