
QUESTÃO 17 According to the text, “subjective age” is: A) The age registered in the birth certificate. B) The subject you wish you had. C) The subj...

According to the text, “subjective age” is:
A) The age registered in the birth certificate.
B) The subject you wish you had.
C) The subjective you wanted to have.
D) The age you feel inside.

A) The age registered in the birth certificate.
B) The subject you wish you had.
C) The subjective you wanted to have.
D) The age you feel inside.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Caderno de Provas   1ª Etapa Unimontes Paes 2018
30 pág.

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De acordo com o texto, "idade subjetiva" é: D) A idade que você sente por dentro.



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