
QUESTÃO 19 We may affirm that Brian Nosek A) is an American psychologist and researcher at the University of Montpellier. B) claims that your “chro...

We may affirm that Brian Nosek
A) is an American psychologist and researcher at the University of Montpellier.
B) claims that your “chronological age” may be important to understand the reasons why some people appear to be depressed while they age.
C) claims that the age older adults feel they have may determine important life decisions.
D) claims that you are old as you are chronologically.

A) is an American psychologist and researcher at the University of Montpellier.
B) claims that your “chronological age” may be important to understand the reasons why some people appear to be depressed while they age.
C) claims that the age older adults feel they have may determine important life decisions.
D) claims that you are old as you are chronologically.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Caderno de Provas   1ª Etapa Unimontes Paes 2018
30 pág.

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A alternativa correta é a letra C) Brian Nosek afirma que a idade que os idosos sentem que têm pode determinar decisões importantes na vida.



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