
With the amount of resources available online, teachers can now create and design their own materials. One thing they should bear in mind is how th...

With the amount of resources available online, teachers can now create and design their own materials. One thing they should bear in mind is how the learner is going to access the activities and interact with the content. Trotter and Roberts (2006) argue that making sure students are interacting appropriately with the materials can keep high levels of retention and learning progress. Are the students using a smart phone or desktop computer? Will they be studying the material synchronously or asynchronously? Questions like these refer to what is called: ALTERNATIVAS Student participation - SP Student matriculation – SM Student experience – SX Student dynamic – SD Student evaluation – SE


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As alternativas apresentadas não correspondem ao conceito mencionado no texto. O que é referido no texto é a importância de considerar como o aluno irá acessar e interagir com o conteúdo, levando em conta fatores como o dispositivo utilizado (smartphone ou computador), o modo de estudo (síncrono ou assíncrono) e outros aspectos que influenciam a experiência do aluno. Essa abordagem é conhecida como "experiência do aluno" ou "student experience".


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