
Match the sentences according to the first conditional rules. 1. If it rains tomorrow, ____ 2. She will be happy if she ____ 3. If you don't wat...

Match the sentences according to the first conditional rules. 1. If it rains tomorrow, ____ 2. She will be happy if she ____ 3. If you don't water the plants, ____ 4. If he studies hard for the exam, ____ 5. We will go to the beach if ____ A. they will wither and die. B. it will pass the exam. C. we can have a picnic. D. she will stay indoors. E. it won't be a problem.

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1. E - Se chover amanhã, não será um problema. 2. D - Ela ficará feliz se ela ficar em casa. 3. A - Se você não regar as plantas, elas vão murchar e morrer. 4. B - Se ele estudar muito para o exame, ele passará. 5. C - Nós iremos à praia se pudermos fazer um piquenique.


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