
Two of the benefits of online education, according to the text, are: (A) the interaction between students and teachers, and among students; the pos...

Two of the benefits of online education, according to the text, are:
(A) the interaction between students and teachers, and among students; the possibility to collect data and feedback concerning teachers’, students’, and administrators’ online experiences.
(B) the creation of opportunities to invest in new markets for primary education institutions; the lack of flexibility to balance work, study, and family responsibilities.
(C) the interruption of investments in new markets for university education institutions; the interaction between teachers and administrators, and among teachers.
(D) the upgrade of technology, software and various technology advancements; the wide range of online programs to promote interaction among different universities.

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A alternativa correta é: (A) a interação entre alunos e professores, e entre os alunos; a possibilidade de coletar dados e feedback sobre as experiências online de professores, alunos e administradores.


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