
Had the Earth been flat, a total of three satellites would have been enough to provide this information (l. 30-31) In relation to the rest of the s...

Had the Earth been flat, a total of three satellites would have been enough to provide this information (l. 30-31) In relation to the rest of the statement, the underlined fragment has the objective of:

A) formulating a hypothesis
B) supporting an opinion
C) implementing an idea
D) proving a point

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Direito Processual Civil I Universidade Estácio de Sá - EADUniversidade Estácio de Sá - EAD


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Analisando a frase, a expressão "Had the Earth been flat" indica uma hipótese irreal no passado. Portanto, a função do trecho sublinhado é formular uma hipótese. Logo, a alternativa correta é: A) formular uma hipótese.


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