
Leia o trecho a seguir: “Use the present perfect to talk about things that started in the past, continue up to the present and may continue into th...

Leia o trecho a seguir: “Use the present perfect to talk about things that started in the past, continue up to the present and may continue into the future. Use the present perfect to talk about things that happened at an indefinite time in the past. Use the present perfect to talk about things that have happened in a time period that is not finished. [...] Use the simple past to talk about things that happened in the past and have no connection to the present. Use the simple past to talk about things that happened at a specific time in the past. The exact time is known and sometimes stated. Use the simple past to talk about things that happened in a time period that is finished.” FUCHS, M.; BONNER, M.; WESTHEIMER, M. Focus on Grammar: an integrated skills approach. New York: Longman Person, 2006. p. 212. Considerando o excerto apresentado, sobre a diferença de uso do simple past e do present perfect, analise as afirmativas a seguir: I. Katie went to London last summer. II. I never read a book on the beach. III. I have ridden a horse recently. IV. Susan has bought an old dictionary years ago. É correto o que se afirma em:


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A alternativa correta é: I. Katie went to London last summer. - Usa-se o simple past para falar de ações que aconteceram em um tempo específico no passado, como "last summer". II. I never read a book on the beach. - Usa-se o simple past para falar de ações que aconteceram em um tempo específico no passado, mesmo que não seja mencionado o tempo exato. III. I have ridden a horse recently. - Usa-se o present perfect para falar de ações que começaram no passado e continuam até o presente, como "recently". IV. Susan has bought an old dictionary years ago. - A frase está incorreta, pois o present perfect não pode ser usado com um tempo específico no passado, como "years ago". O correto seria "Susan bought an old dictionary years ago", usando o simple past. Portanto, a afirmativa correta é a alternativa A) I e II.


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