
he Germans love their motor sport, but while Mercedes dominates Formula One, at this racetrack in Berlin, electric cars were taking centre-stage, p...

he Germans love their motor sport, but while Mercedes dominates Formula One, at this racetrack in Berlin, electric cars were taking centre-stage, preempting the hosting of Formula E race, a new single-seat emerging sport championship for electric cars. Enthusiasts brought their beloved electric cars and bikes together for a motorcade, in attempt to break the record for the largest gathering of electric cars and motorbikes ever. “We wanted to show that electric cars have already won over the hearts of the people. Many people drive electric cars and we said, ‘hey guys, let’s have some fun!’ We want to have a parade, we aim for the world record! And we want to show all the others that we’re having fun driving these cars. That’s important to us. It’s called 508 and we had 580 cars. We did break the record.” Well, you actually had 577 to be exact, as this high-tech sign shows, but still, record broken. Well done! Com base no texto, qual é o tempo verbal (have already won) utilizado na sentença "We wanted to show that electric cars have already won over the hearts of the people"? Escolha uma opção: a. Presente contínuo. b. Presente perfeito. c. Presente simples. d. Futuro. e. Passado simples


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O tempo verbal utilizado na sentença "We wanted to show that electric cars have already won over the hearts of the people" é o Presente Perfeito.



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